Thursday, September 15, 2005

Writer's Block

It seems that I have encountered a case of writers block. I have been going to the gym lately to stimulate my creative energies but it has not helped me to think of anything interesting to write.

I feel like I am sort of stuck in a rut right much depression around me that I am fighting to stay happy. I can't even win a free ticket in the lottory. I feel like my good luck is running out but I don't want to give in to it. I have tried to avoid watching and reading the news lately as all they seem do is capitalize on people's truama and despair under the guise of "informing" us of world events. I have not been able to "desensitize" myself to the horrors and suffering they feel fit to show on tv and put in the paper.

I am waiting for something special, magical or exciting to happen to me. I don't know what it is. I just know I want to be pleasantly surprised for a change. Trust people and find out they really are nice. I guess I am just worn out from giving the best of myself to people and getting little or no reciprocation.

I don't normally expect anything of people, I am just nice because it is my nature, but it takes effort to stay positive and look on the brightside. It is not easy to maintain happiness. I wish it was easier, that's all.

Well that's it....hugs to everyone...try to do something nice for someone today...just because you can ;-P

Impy Anna


At September 15, 2005 2:46 PM, Blogger Johnny Menace said...

that was pretty long for writer's block.

At September 15, 2005 3:22 PM, Blogger Anna Pet said...

I can always count on you Johnny.

At September 16, 2005 11:50 PM, Blogger Anna Pet said...

I hope we both find what we've been looking for. Love you sally you always know just what to say. I think we will both find what we are looking for.

At September 17, 2005 6:18 AM, Blogger Old Man Rich said...

You need to build a pond.
Its very theraputic, pond building.
Im currently at the planning stage for one (should my new house purchase ever happen). I can hardly wait to get out & start digging.

Meanwhile, stick to local papers. At least they try to balance the bad news with some good news. (and there is lots of good news out there, its just not popular with the media giants for some reason). On the whole, people are good, the world is a wonderful place, your down is temporary. Things will pick up any day now.
So go on. Build a pond.

At September 19, 2005 6:37 AM, Blogger Anna Pet said...

Hello Rich...hmmm I have never built a pond before I will have to look into it. You are right of course that things are not so bad as I make them out to be.

Hello Sally you gorgeous creature. I like a book or a good movie too. Playing with the kitties usually cheers me up as well. I am feeling a bit better...I fell down in the hallway of my work on Friday so I have lovely bruises on my knees this morning. I think a magical wood would be just the ticket. I think I am looking for an enchanted place...I know it exists I just haven't found it yet.

I believe that the world has so much beauty and goodness in it. I just feel like as we get older it is drilled into us to focus on work and money and serious things and the importance of pausing to admire beauty, and really appreciate kindness is lost. I feel like it is drilled into us that to succeed in business and life you need to be driven and mean.

I think that it is so important to take the time to be silly and have fun and laugh. It just seems like everyone is so busy...far too busy for frivolous things like having fun.

If I win the lottery the first place I am going to visit is England. I have always wanted to go there as it seems to be so gorgeous. I have always felt there was something magical about the United Kingdom....I hope maybe one day I will get to meet the wonderful new friends I have made and give you hugs to say thank you for being wonderful.

Reading your positive words makes me feel lucky to have met such fantastic people. Huge Hugs from Canada....


At September 21, 2005 7:38 AM, Blogger Wade Marshall said...

Ponds are fun.


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